
Updated for version 4.0 Utilities are useful functions for bunch of purposes.

BeardLib.Utils class

The main utilities class



FunctionReturn TypeDescription

CheckParamsValidity(Table tbl, Table schema)


Checks tbl which contains parameters you want to check. schema contains what you expect the parameters to be. schema should have a func_name string value which is where the function was called from (So user knows where they wrote wrong parameters). Then, a params table which contains expectancy from the parameters in tbl (Ordered by indices), each table with these values: type for desired type and allow_nil to allow nullable parameters. Example

CheckParamValidity(String func_name, Number vari, Any var, String desired_type, Boolean allow_nil)


The function CheckParamsValidity uses to check the parameters.func_namebeing the function this is called from,variis the index of the variable,varis the variable value,desired_typeis the type this variable should be andallow_nil` (which defaults to false) to allow the variable to be null

GetSubValues(Table tbl, String key)


Returns a table of sub values that correspond to the key key. Example

normalize_string_value(String value)


Returns the object value from a string representation of the value. For example: "Vector3(0,0,0)" will return a vector3 object. This function supports: Vector3, Rotation, Color and callback, ClassClbk, SimpleClbk, etc

StringToValue(String str, Table global_tbl, Boolean silent)


Returns a value from a string. str can be like "self.value" self being global_tbl. It can also do something like self.tbl.x.y.z str is the string that needs conversion, global_tbl can be left out which will default to _G or set as some class. silent decides whether to log when an error has hit

UrlEncode(String str)


Returns a string version of the passed str which is encoded for urls

FindMod(String name)


Searches a mod (All mods including these not in frameworks) with the name name and returns its ModCore class if it finds it; returns null if not found. If you know which framework the mod resides in, please use the framework functions

ModExists(String name)


Returns a boolean determining if the mod exists in the game

ModLoaded(String name)


Returns a boolean determining if the mod exists and is loaded (not disabled)

FindModWithPath(String path)


Returns a mod in path

FindModWithMatchingPath(String path)


Returns a mod with a path that matches path. For example the mod path is "mods/BeardLib". We pass the argument "mods/BeardLib/Hooks" to it and the function will return BeardLib because path matches with BeardLib's path. This is used to find mods even if the path is a folder inside of the mod




Refreshes the current menu node


A quick function to automatically setup BLT's XAudio stuff. Automatically called by BeardLib when adding sounds

json class

Existing class added by BLT. BeardLib adds a special encoding and decoding function that add support for these values: Vector3, Color, Rotation, and callback.

This class uses periods and not a colon for function calls; so you'd call it like: json.func().




This is a variation of the default json encoder that comes bundled with BLT. This version of the encoder will output with proper formatting and can write data such as Vector3, Color, etc. It also doesn't have the issue where it saves an empty table as '[]', which would error when decode was attempted


Similar to the custom_encode function, it is a variation of the default json decoder that comes bundled with BLT. This decoder will parse Vector3, Color etc and will attempt to do conversions for the json ScriptData output created from the DieselScriptTool

Anonymous functions


FunctionReturn typeDescription



Checks every value in parameters and returns the first value it finds that isn't null. Returns the null if no value was found. Useful when you want to differentiate between false and null

type_name(Any value)


The same as CoreClass.type_name which returns the type of an object. But, adds support for tables that have type_name value in them (like MenuUI items). Which lets us differentiate between different tables

CRC32Hash(String str)

Creates a CRC32 hash of a string. Good if you need something shorter than a Idstring key



BeardLib.Utils:CheckParamsValidity({x, y}, {
    func_name = "MyCoolClass:init", 
    params = {{type="string", allow_nil = false}, {type="number", allow_nil = true}}

This function checks if x is a string and not null (allow_nil defaults to false but for this example I wrote it) and checks if y is a number but allows it to be a null.


    {test = false, test2 = "this wont come through"}, 
    {test = true, test3 = "this also wont come through"}
}, "test")


{[1] = false, [2] = true}

Last updated