Special Hook IDs

Updated for version 4.0.

Hooks IDs

Essentially these are hooks added by Beardlib using Hooks:Register which can be used with Hooks:Add.

Hook IDDescription


Called from the hook MenuManagerInitialize. This hook should be used to create all your menus (MenuHelperPlus). Receives the self of MenuManager


Called from the hook MenuManagerInitialize after BeardLibCreateCustomMenus. Used by MenuHelperPlus to register menus. Receives the self of MenuManager


Called from the hook MenuManagerInitialize after BeardLibMenuHelperPlusInitMenus This hook should be used to create your nodes and buttons. Receives the self of MenuManager


Called after the initialization of BlackMarketTweakData. Used by custom weapon mods to inherit stuff from based_on and place stuff in tables. Gets tweak_data.weapon.factory and tweak_data as parameters


Called after the initialization of WeaponFactoryTweakData. Used by WeaponModule to insert custom weapons into the factory tweakdata. Gets tweak_data.weapon.factory as the parameter


Called after BeardLibCreateCustomWeapons and is used to insert custom weapon parts into the factory.parts tweakdata

Gets tweak_data.weapon.factory as the parameter


Called before scriptdata get processed in FileManager:Process. Receives the parameters: ids_ext which is Idstring of the extension, ids_path Idstring of the part and data which is the data of the scripdata


Called after scriptdata get processed in FileManager:Process. Receives the same parameters as `BeardLibPreProcessScriptData

only that data gets changed by the process


Called after Setup:unload_packages gets called


Gets called before and after require. The first parameter is if the call is post hook and the rest is what parameters were in require


Gets called after Setup:init_finalize receives one parameter which is the self of Setup


Called after a paused update in GameSetup receives t for time and dt for delta time


Called after Setup:init_managers gets one parameter which is the self of Setup


Called after BeardLibAddCustomWeaponModsToWeapons. Was supposed to be used by the projectile module (An unstable module!)


Called after the initialization of WeaponTweakData. Was supposed to be used by the projectile module (An unstable module!)


Called right before BeardLib gets initialized


Called right after BeardLib gets initialized

Last updated