
Updated for version 3.38

BeardLib.Utils.Input / BeardLib.Utils.MouseInput

An utility class for dealing with input.

BeardLib.Utils.MouseInput is for dealing with mouse input.

Also useful for bringing a few Input:keyboard()/Input:mouse() functions into a cozy place.



Return Type

Down(Idstring/String key)


Returns true if the key that is defined in key is pressed down

Released(Idstring/String key)


Returns true if the key that is defined in key was released in the last frame

Pressed(Idstring/String key)


Returns true if the key that is defined in key was pressed in the last frame

Trigger(Idstring/String key, function clbk)

Userdata (trigger)

Adds a trigger, basically every time the key gets pressed the callback will run, returns a trigger object

TriggerRelease(Idstring/String key, function clbk)

Userdata (trigger)

Adds a release trigger, same as trigger just for releasing the key and returns a trigger object also

Triggered(Table trigger, Boolean check_mouse_too)


Checks trigger table (not be confused with the trigger userdata object) if it's pressed. The trigger is a product from the function TriggerDataFromString. Mostly cotains the values: key for the key, additional_key for another key that is required for the trigger and clbk for a callback when the trigger is pressed (Something you need to call by yourself)

TriggerDataFromString(String str, Function clbk)


Converts a string to a table of trigger data. The table contains key, additional_key and clbk (from the parameter clbk which is from the function's parameters). str is supposed to be either a simple key or "key+additional_key" for keybinds like "ctrl+s" etc



RemoveTrigger(Userdata trigger)

Removes a trigger by passing a trigger object

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