File Manager

Updated for version 4.0.

BeardLibFileManager class

Used to be called FileManager

Access it via BeardLib.Managers.File



AddFile(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path, String file)

Adds a file to the game. Works in Linux. (Thanks Znix!) ext is the extension inside the game (See type here#does-not-need-load-true)) path is the path inside the game and file is the path to the file including extension. You should use this function if you are planning on adding files through lua as BeardLib also adds its to a list so some functions like PackageManager:has will return true.

AddFileWithCheck(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path, String file)

Same as AddFile but checks if file exists before adding. Logs a message if it doesn't exist

RemoveFile(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path)

Removes a file from the game ext and path same as in AddFile

ScriptReplaceFile(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path, String file, Table options)

Adds a scriptdata modification to the list. If your mod has a BeardLib config file you may want to use the module ext being the scriptdata extension (sequence_manager, environment, world, mission, continent, etc), path is the path to the scriptdata you want to modify (or add), file is the path to the modification/scriptdata. options is a table containing some parameters which are: use_clbk a callback that is called before doing the process to check if to proceed with the process. You may be interested in using if you want to have an option before merging

ScriptReplaceFile(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path, Table tbl, Table options)

Like ScriptReplaceFile but instead of a file doing the modification it uses a table with the data. tbl being the modification data/scriptdata. Since it doesn't load anything it doesn't need type in options.

Has(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path)

A function to check if file path with extension ext exists in Beardlib. Called in PackageManager:has

HasScriptMod(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path)

A function to check if a scriptdata modification/addition exists in BeardLib. Called in PackageManager:has and DB:has

LoadAsset(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path, String file_path)

Loads a file into the game fully. ext is the extension of the file (in the game), path is the path in the game, and file_path is the full path of the file (normally this is not required but it's useful so you can see if the file loaded through DevLog) Some files need this (Some like units are loaded automatically before spawning, see list here#types-load)). Remember that adding a file to the game isn't the same as loading in diesel. Diesel is weird a little so some files need that extra push to be fully loaded and usable

UnloadAsset(String/Idstring ext, String/Idstring path, String file_path)

Unloads file with extension ext and path path. file_path is not required but recommended

Process(Idstring ids_ext, Idstring ids_path, Idstring name_mt)

A core function called automatically after PackageManager:script_data. No need to call it

Update(Number t, Number dt)

Update function for the class. Called automatically by BeardLib

Last updated